Friday, September 28, 2012

The Challenge of Managing Volunteers in a Project

Six months ago I was presented with a great opportunity to be a Project Manager for a Church looking to build a new church and office complex.  As I met with the Priests and Church leaders, I was impressed with the work they already done in understanding their requirements. 

The Executive Committee is comprised of volunteers - parishioners interested in the future of their community and parish.  Their excitement was evident, but given the fact that they all have work and home responsibilities, I immediately recognized the challenge before me.

I am currently working with the Campaign Committee, a wonderful group of parishioners focused on raising the financial pledges upon which the church construction will be based.  My challenge is to prepare a forecast and plan to achieve their aggressive schedule, while anticipating the success of activities mostly out of their control.  Scheduling meetings with prospective donors is not something that can be documented as a firm commitment and I find the best I can do is track accomplishments against their best estimates of meeting with people.  Adding to the challenge is the fact that many times, a Campaign member will need to meet 2 or 3 times with a prospective donor to ensure all questions are asked and answered.   One size solution does fit all!

In the coming months,  I will document some of the challenges and solutions I have discovered as I manage this wonderful project.